The horror feature Carrie (1976), romantic comedy When Harry Met Sally (1989), the superhero movie Iron Man (2008), which launched the Marvel Cinematic Universe franchise, and the musical hairspray (1988) are part of the list of 25 American films which, this year, enter the National Film Registry of the United States Library of Congress.
Created in 1988, this register aims to preserve in perpetuity works considered to be significant, in particular for the place they hold in American culture. The selected works can be short and feature films, documentaries or animated films. Among the other works selected this year, we note The Little Mermaid (1989) Disney, adaptation Cyrano de Bergerac (1950) by Michael Gordon, super fly (1972), a landmark Blaxploitation film, and Behind Every Good Man (1967), one of the first films devoted to the LGBTQ+ community. The documentary Mardi Gras Carnival (1898) also makes its debut as the oldest documentary on this New Orleans event. The Register now has some 850 titles.