United States: Joe Biden accuses Republicans of “budgetary insanity”

US President Joe Biden ruled on Monday that the Republican opposition, which accuses him of spending lavishly, suffers from “budgetary insanity”, and has savaged the economic projects of the conservatives.

“I reduced the deficit last year by $350 billion. And this year, the federal deficit is down more than $1 trillion. Listen to me carefully: it’s a fact,” he said during a meeting organized in memory of Martin Luther King by one of the most influential representatives of the African-American community in the United States, Reverend Al Sharpton.

Referring to his Republican opponents who accuse him and his party, the Democrats, of being spendthrifts, Joe Biden launched: “They must be suffering from budgetary insanity. »

The 80-year-old Democrat, who is due to say soon whether he will run for 2024, has launched a formal attack on the economic projects of the opposition, now mistress of the House of Representatives. This lower house makes up, with the Senate, mostly Democratic, the American Congress.

While saying he was ready to work with the conservatives, the American president said he was “disappointed that the first piece of legislation” they are introducing “helps the rich, the big companies […] at the expense of middle-class taxpayers. He was referring to a text aimed at reducing the budget of the American tax administration, which Joe Biden had decided to increase in the name of the fight against tax evasion. If this text from the Republicans were to arrive on his desk, the American president has already promised to veto it.

Joe Biden also killed another Republican project on Monday, who want to upset the federal tax system by replacing income tax with a consumption tax. “They want to replace the money lost from taxes on millionaires and billionaires with a tax on almost everything in the country. What the hell does that mean? he pretended to wonder.

High-level exchange between Beijing and Washington scheduled for Wednesday

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