United States: Is the Pentagon investigating extraterrestrial spacecraft?


Video length: 4 mins.


Article written by

L.de la Mornais, T.Donzel, A.Filippi, Z.Boughzou, Loic de la Mornais, Thomas Donzel – France 2

France Televisions

In the United States, a former government official claims that there is a secret program that analyzes vehicles of non-human origin. What about? Response elements.

This is the question that agitates all lovers of mysteries: of the aliens arethey already come to us to visit ? For a long time, those who asked it passed for dreamers at best, conspiratorial charlatans at worst. However, in recent years, more serious testimonies have followed, up to that of David Grusch. On American TV, this former intelligence officer of the national geospatial agency assured:They recovered vehicles of non-human origin […] Who have landed here.”

“No serious evidence”

In recent years, former senior intelligence officials, senators and even former defense ministers have publicly claimed that humanity has already been in contact with extraterrestrials. In 2022, Congress mandated NASA to very formally investigate UFOs and other unexplained phenomena. Rumors of extraterrestrial spacecraft recovered by the military have rocked the imagination of Americans for decades, especially around Area 51 in Nevada.

Only, scientists strongly doubt the recovery of extraterrestrial vessels by the American army. Even Dan Werthimerthe scientific director of the program SETIis skeptical. “We have no serious proof”he assures.

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