United States: gangs of looters attack luxury stores and worry authorities



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In the United States, the police are questioning themselves in the middle of Black Friday on a phenomenon that has occurred in several large cities. Bands of 20 and even sometimes 80 people rob stores, especially major brands.

It is a swarm of thieves who enter each time by surprise. Bands which act in a few minutes with hammer blows in a jewelry store for example and which escape in cars waiting for them outside. America is helpless in the face of a dozen thefts of this type in a few days.

CCTV in a luxury store captured it all. At the door, the security guard does what he can, but it is a wave of assailants who surge in the middle of the customers to snatch bags Louis Vuitton in 40 seconds and take 90,000 euros in booty. In a shopping center in California, a passer-by films in front of a jewelry store. We hear the screams and hammer blows on the windows. America, bewildered, discovered these looting scenes at 7 p.m. in downtown San Francisco.


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