United States: At least 15 people die in floods in Kentucky


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In the United States, in the state of Kentucky, at least 15 people died on Friday July 29 in historic floods. A state of natural disaster has been declared.

While last week, violent fires ravaged California, on Friday July 29, it was the floods that had catastrophic consequences in the United States. The rural state of Kentucky, in the east of the country, is devastated by the force of the waters. “We had to swim to evacuate the house. The water was cold and came over my head, it was scary”is moved a resident in tears. The Americans affected by this disaster had no choice but to evacuate their homes urgently, while trying to preserve the lives of their pets.

To try to protect the lives of people in the state, the governor had to speak up. People have already died in these deadly floods. “We have now lost at least 15 Kentuckians and that number will increase, probably even double. We know these victims will include children.”alert Andy beshearthe governor of the state. Kentucky is definitely in the grip of natural disasters since in December 2021, 80 people had died in deadly tornadoes.

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