United States: an increase in disasters linked to climate change


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To United States, more than one in three Americans is affected by climatic disasters such as floods, fires or scorching heat. Phenomena related to climate change.

In the USAfloods, fires and scorching heat hit the population. More than a third of Americans are affected by disasters related to climate change. Most impressive are the unprecedented floods affecting Yellowstone National Park in the northwest of the country. It has indeed had to close for an indefinite period: a first for 34 years.

At the same time, scorching temperatures fell across the country: until 43°C are expected this week. In the Southwest, several fires broke out. In Arizona, three fires destroyed more than 10,000 hectares. The residents seem helpless. In California tooforest fires forced hundreds of residents to flee their homes. For scientists, no doubt: each of these phenomena is aggravated by climate change.

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