United States: America divided on the right to abortion



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Story: C.Verove Editing: J.Cohen-Olivieri – France 2

France Televisions

The Supreme Court has reversed the right to abortion, allowing states to ban abortion immediately. This decline in women’s rights aroused the anger of millions of people but has also been greeted by millions of Americans.

Face to facethe camps clash in the Supreme Court in Washington, United States. Anti-abortion activists are jubilant while the revolt has sounded for others. America is more fractured than ever. In the streets, processions of demonstrators were held in New York, The bone Angeles or even Boston, angry after the decision of the Supreme Court, Friday, June 24. The American court revoked the right to abortion. Any of the 50 states can now ban it. Seven have already done so as soon as the announcement was made.

“It’s really unacceptable. Women have died having abortions in the past.”says a woman. States like New York offer to help women who would be prevented from having an abortion. California even offers to fund their trip. America is divided, with a victory for the conservative camp which had made the right to abortion its hobbyhorse.

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