United States | A life-size Han Solo created from bread

(Benicia) “Pan Solo” is a gigantic piece of bread inspired by the character of Han Solo, from the saga Star Wars.

Posted at 8:25 p.m.

This six-foot-tall bread sculpture was created by a San Francisco Bay Area bakery. Han Solo is represented there as he appeared in the fifth episode of the saga Star Wars, after being frozen in carbonite.

Hanalee Pervan and her mother, Catherine Pervan, co-owners of One House Bakery in Benicia, Calif., spent weeks molding, baking and assembling the life-size sculpture using wood and two types of dough, including a yeast-free type. with a higher sugar content which will allow the sculpture to last longer.

The two worked nights after the day’s business was done. Lovingly crafted details show Han Solo’s anguished face and outstretched hands.

Mme Hanalee admitted that maybe she was a little obsessed. “Mom made me quit it because I was obsessed with lips,” Hanalee Pervan told the New York Times.

The creation of “Pan Solo” was particularly significant, she told the newspaper, because she contracted COVID-19 in January 2021 and lost much of her senses of smell and taste.

“So finding joy in another part of food is really important,” she mentioned.

The sculpture is now on display outside the bakery, located about a half-hour drive north of San Francisco.

“Pan Solo” is the bakery’s entry into the annual downtown Main Street “Downtown Scarecrow Contest”. The public will be able to vote for their favorites among more than twenty creations presented by local companies.

The Pervans, who are big fans of science fiction and the fantasy genre, had launched another creation on the theme of Star Wars in 2020 featuring the Mandalorian and Baby Yoda.

Unfortunately, “Pan Solo” won’t last forever. The dough will not be eaten, but it will eventually be composted.

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