United Kingdom: who to replace Liz Truss?




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Live from London (United Kingdom), Thursday, October 20, journalist Diane Schiengler discusses several leads concerning the replacement of Liz Truss after her resignation.

Liz’s successor Truss, First British Minister, will arrive very quickly, in eight days, after the resignation of the latter, Thursday October 20. Who could succeed him? “Conservative MPs have a week to agree and it’s not going to be easy”says Diana Schengler live from london (UK). “For the moment, there is no official candidate, but several names are circulating such as that of Rishi Sunak or Penny Mordaunt”she continues.

“The savior of the Conservatives could well be called Boris Johnson (…) According to several British media, he would be interested in returning to business”says Diana Schengler. Everyone is therefore active to obtain the most support from deputies. A maximum of three candidates will be proposed so that it goes quickly and the Prime Minister is appointed next Friday.

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