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Since the disappearance of the queen, who has taken charge of communication around the royal family, in particular on fragile files? Storytelling continues to be mastered, but is not flawless.
The meditation of the princes, Friday September 16, in front of the coffin of the queen, was a new moment of emotion. A ceremony like the others, registered for a long time in the organization of the funeral, regulated to the millimeter. But some images were not planned. Who is hiding behind these operations of seduction? They have been overseeing the communication of King Charles III for a year and a half like Simon Enrighta “strategist“according to Camilla Tomineya journalist specializing in royalty.
“the adviser’s job is to indicate how it will be transcribed by the press, how the institution will be treated in the media, what should we do to keep the press on our side“, details Camilla Tominey. In total, these men are about thirty to advise the royal family. Thus, they would have orchestrated the sequence where Harry and William, cold for two years, are reunited again to pay tribute to the queen. They also intervene in case of faux pasfor example when King Charles III gets annoyed by a leaky pen. But communication has its limits, because every misstep goes viral on Internet.