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On Thursday June 2, the United Kingdom will celebrate the Queen’s Jubilee. Matthieu Boisseau was in live from London for the 20 Hours, Wednesday June 1st.
The United Kingdom will have its eyes glued to the balcony of Buckingham Palace on Thursday June 2 on the occasion of the Queen’s Jubilee, which celebrates 70 years of reign. “Even if the 96-year-old Queen will not be able to participate, for health reasons, in all the festivities, she will be present tomorrow on the balcony of Buckingham at 1.20 p.m. then at 2 p.m. French time, in the company of the Royal family”explains Matthieu Boisseau, live from London, Wednesday, June 1.
There are already many people near the palace, with tents and flags, “in a very good-natured atmosphere”. “There are fans of the royal family here, there are tourists and then there are simply the British who want to take part in this moment of national communion. A platinum jubilee, 70 years of reign, this is unprecedented in the history of the United Kingdom”reports the journalist.