United Kingdom: the arrival on the scene of the new king, Charles III

The English got up in mourning on Friday morning. From dawn, a crowd growing every second gathered in front of Buckingham Palace, the official residence of the English sovereigns, to pay a last tribute to their late queen. The new king sealed this day of transition with a solemn address to the nation.

75 years ago, a 21-year-old Elizabeth II uttered these words that would mark her reign: “I declare that all my life, long or short, will be devoted to your service and to the service of our great imperial family to which we belong all. »

Shortly after 6 p.m. Friday, his son echoed those words. “I too solemnly pledge myself now, throughout the remaining time that God grants me, to uphold the constitutional principles that are at the heart of our nation,” he said in his first televised address as than king.

His 10-minute address, which appeared to be pre-recorded, was largely devoted to the qualities of his late mother, her “love of tradition”, her “fearless adherence to progress”, but also her “warmth and humor”.

This official declaration, which also conferred on the heir William his title of Prince of Wales and thus ensured his dignity as successor to the throne, was the final culmination of a royal debut.

It all started at 1 p.m. sharp in front of Buckingham Palace, when a cannon shot hardened the already serious atmosphere. The crowd massed by thousands since the morning fell silent at a stroke. Another explosion followed. Then another. Ninety-six in all, well counted. Like the years lived by the queen. The English flag at half mast above the palace is replaced by one bearing the Royal Coat of Arms of the United Kingdom.

Prince Charles, now King Charles III, walked soberly. As his first public appearance as a monarch, he enjoyed a walkabout, shook hands. This approach remains unorthodox for a sovereign newly recognized as such, even a hitch to protocol. This is his first gesture in very large shoes to wear, he who, at 73, is already in the twilight of his life.

In front of this painting, a man shouts God save the King, “may God save the king”. Others imitate him.

The man in question, Jeff Reeves, jokes with a very british. The king already has his nickname: “Charly”. The late Queen is irreplaceable, but Mr Reeves is happy with this first step of majesty. “I’m not really a monarchist. It doesn’t make sense on paper, the monarchy. But today it makes sense. There are workers, white collars, businessmen, all kinds of backgrounds and classes gathered for a ceremony. It’s important for our country so divided, with Brexit and all that. At least we have that. I understand now. »

A strange silence

Since the Queen’s death, black has dressed London. It’s time for meditation. The deceased is still on the front page of the newspapers, on posters everywhere in the city center, in all the bus shelters, in people’s thoughts. Even the Quebec flag flying in front of the general delegation, three stone’s throws from Buckingham Palace, is at half mast.

Long faces, deep sighs and a few sobs inhabited the square in front of the royal palace all day long. The flowers that are brought pile up so much that there is no room to receive them at the same time as the crowd. We pass the bouquets so that others place them in front. A Union Jack black and white floats above the tributes.

A lady, Claire, is moping with sadness at the foot of the palace enclosure. She cannot answer any questions: mourning has made her lose her voice. ” A loss. Gratitude, ”she breathes lip service.

The crowd also murmurs, and in several languages. During her reign, Queen Elizabeth II ruled 32 different countries. Seventeen decided to become independent during the 70-year reign of the last queen of the Empire.

Stacey O’Connor is from Australia, but lives in London with her English husband. She also came to lay a wreath of flowers for her late sovereign. “She’s on our currency. It is part of our daily life, she says. Besides, it was good to have a queen, a woman, in a world of rulers ruled by patriarchy. We have a king now. Just to say it, it’s weird. »

News hard to believe

Weird. ” ” Weird. People repeat this word as much as they sigh. All here – or almost – have only lived with Elizabeth II as queen.

“It’s very hard to believe that she really died. That’s why I came here. Is it true that she is dead? “Chris Imafilon struggles to contain his pain for the death of the one he calls” a mother “.

“I had the privilege of meeting her every year. She invited pupils from the interior towns to London. She asked each of them what they wanted to do later. You should have seen the pride of the children when they returned, chests bulging, to their schools. They said: “I can become an engineer, it’s true, the queen told me!” »

In the midst of these sad faces, the members of the guard of honor parade on their horses with their red and black paraphernalia. Their warlike cries break the silent silence. A light rain completes the typically English scene. Media from around the world are capturing the moment.

An old Englishman, also in red military uniform and decorated with medals, observes the procession. Alan Rutter is one of the residents of Chelsea, a retirement home for retired army personnel. “His death was not surprising, but it is still a shock. It’s very sad. She was an extraordinary queen. We will never see a sovereign like that again, assures the veteran. The queen has done a great job for the UK, but also for Australia, Canada! She held the Commonwealth together. She met ordinary people and made those people feel comfortable. His smile was natural. When she smiled, it was genuine. »

The commemorations of the death of Elizabeth II must continue for ten days.

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