Video length: 2 min.
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Emmanuel Macron receives, Friday, March 10, the British Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak, at the Élysée. The journalist Ambroise Bouleis, live from London, explains that this meeting marks a new start in Franco-British relations, but that it will nevertheless be necessary to deal with the burning issue of illegal immigration.
British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak will be received by Emmanuel Macron for a meeting at the Élysée on Friday March 10. In an interview with Le Figaro published Thursday evening, Rishi Sunak described Emmanuel Macron as a “good friend”. “A formula that contrasts with that of his predecessor, Liz Truss, who hesitated last summer to qualify Emmanuel Macron as friend or foe”says journalist Ambroise Bouleis, correspondent for France Télévisions live from London (United Kingdom).
The burning issue of illegal immigration
Rishi Sunak “all the same arrives with a hot file in his business: that of illegal Channel crossings, the number of which has exploded in recent years. The British press understands that an agreement could be reached on Friday according to which the French would undertake to reinforce patrols to prevent the departure of boats from the coasts of Calais (Pas-de-Calais), in exchange for a financial contribution of the United Kingdom of more than 220 billion euros over three years”reports Ambroise Bouleis.