United Kingdom: Faced with the Omicron variant, Boris Johnson takes new health measures



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After the appearance of the first cases linked to the Omicron variant in the United Kingdom, Boris Johnson announced new measures on Saturday, November 27. Journalist Matthieu Boisseau takes stock of the situation live from London.

With the appearance of the South African variant of the name Omicron in the UK, PCR testing is now mandatory two days after arriving in UK territory. “While waiting for the result, you will have to isolate yourself at the address of your choice. This measure concerns all travelers from abroad, whatever their vaccination status and whatever their country of origin ”, says journalist Matthieu Boisseau, live from London (UK).

Tourists from France are therefore affected by this new health measure. “Until now, only antigen testing was mandatory and there was no isolation required. Boris Johnson explained this afternoon during his press conference that wearing a mask was also becoming compulsory in shops and in all public transport ”, concludes the journalist. So far, two cases of the Omicron variant have been detected in the UK.

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