United Kingdom: English people refuse to pay their electricity bills, deemed too high



France 2

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France Televisions

Thousands of Britons are threatening to stop paying their gas and electricity bills. This movement of civil disobedience is gaining momentum in the country, where tariffs have increased by more than 50% in recent months.

To Todmordena former industrial town north of Manchester (UK)a retiree has just interrupted the direct debit of her gas and electricity bill. She says she only uses her oven once a week because it’s too expensive. The retiree believes that she no longer has enough to live in her two-bedroom house, where she lives alone. She receives 1,000 pounds, or 1,180 euros. She wants to negotiate with her energy supplier.

Since June, more than 100,000 people have signed the petition”Whose pays UK” (“NOTe not pay” in French). This boycott must begin on October 1, the date of the next price increase. The risks : late penalties and legal proceedings, but cuts remain very rare. In the United Kingdom, households are more affected by the increase than in France, because in the country, the energy market is privatized and poorly regulated.

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