United Kingdom: Boris Johnson is expected to announce his resignation on Thursday July 7



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In the UK, Boris Johnson is still in the storm. The English Prime Minister will address the country on Thursday July 7, and is expected to resign as head of his party. Update with journalist Matthieu Boisseau, live from London.

Weakened by repeated scandals, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson is expected to announce his resignation on Thursday July 7. “If, as the British media claim, Boris Johnson announces today that he is stepping down as leader of the Conservative Party, then he will have to mechanically resign as Prime Minister, that is the rule”recalls the journalist Matthieu Boisseau, live from London (United Kingdom) for the 13 Hours.

“He would apparently like to stay until the fall, the time to find a successor, but many parliamentarians, including ministers, want him to leave as soon as possible, even if it means appointing an interim Prime Minister “adds the journalist, who specifies that “Boris Johnson clung to his post to the end”. Nevertheless, “the pressure was finally too strong”. Indeed, nearly 60 members of his government have resigned since Tuesday, July 5, including “leading ministers”.

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