unions call for strike in schools



Article written by

S. Soubane, N. Bidard, J. Wild, C. Cormery, A. Sarlat, L. Lavieille, France 3 Regions – franceinfo

France Televisions

Faced with the difficulties faced by schools due to many changes in protocols linked to the pandemic, many teachers and school leaders have taken to the streets to protest and call for the safety of children.

Closed gates, empty playgrounds, silent classrooms. Faced with the strong mobilization, some municipalities have set up a minimum childcare service. The strike call was widely followed. In the street, according to the Ministry of the Interior, more than 77,000 people demonstrated against the management of the health crisis at school.

“I believe that now we are in danger when we come to work at school”, explains a teacher in the procession. “Sometimes there are classes with five children, the next day there are fifteen”, says another. A dozen unions called a strike to protest. A rare cohesion, a sign of widespread fed up.

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