unions call for a strike on December 12 to “demand the withdrawal” of the reform

The inter-union opposes the reform proposed by Emmanuel Macron to improve the professional integration of young people.

The main unions in the professional sector, united in inter-union form, called on Wednesday, November 15, for a “large-scale mobilization” December 12 for “require removal” of the vocational high school reform and protest against measures planned for the final year class.

The Minister for Vocational Education and Training, Carole Grandjean, “stands firm on its positions of destroying the vocational high school by wanting to impose a brutal and scandalous degradation of the Terminale class”the SNETAA-FO, CGT Éduc’action, SNUEP-FSU, Snep-FSU, SUD Education, SNALC and CNT unions protested in a joint press release.

“A very quick diary”

While consultations between professional unions and the ministry are being completed on the final year class, the texts validating this aspect of the reform “will go to the Higher Council of Education on December 14”either “a very quick schedule”, they regret.

For the inter-union, the envisaged timetable is “untenable and disrespectful of the work of staff, because the implementation of this project is planned for the start of the 2024 school year”. The project under study for the Terminale provides “an advance in the tests in March or April” to send the students “in training for six weeks”detailed Sigrid Gérardin, head of the Snuep-FSU union.

The reform of the vocational high school, one of Emmanuel Macron’s campaign promises to improve the professional integration of young people, was presented by him in May. Certain measures have already been put in place this fall, such as the remuneration of high school students during their internship or the creation of “company offices” in high schools. Others are still under discussion, on the organization of the Terminale or the transformation of the training map.

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