Union of the left, retirement at 62, slip of the tongue … relive the meeting of Anne Hidalgo in Perpignan

“I put at the head of our project the upgrading of work”, launches the candidate of the Socialist Party in front of the Palais des Congrès in Perpignan (Pyrénées-Orientales). Anne Hidalgo continued to unveil and develop the main lines of her presidential program. Surrounded by Carole Delga, the president of the region, but also Hermeline Malherbe, the president of the department and Michaël Delafosse, the mayor of Montpellier, Anne Hidalgo took advantage of this forum, to relaunch his call for a union of the left.

All together !

From the start of her meeting, Anne Hidalgo returned to her proposal to organize a left-wing primary. “The union, my friends, history shows it, it is what makes the left. I said it Wednesday, I repeat it today: with four months of the poll, how not to hear the French women and the French who call us to union. How can we fail to hear the despair and anguish of those who cannot bring themselves to a political debate confiscated by two far-right candidates and two right-wing candidates. Because without union, there is no destiny for the left, but without the left it is no longer France, it is no longer democracy. We will do everything to achieve this union “

According to an Ipsos-Sopra Steria poll for franceinfo and Le Parisien / Today in France published on Wednesday, the leader of La France rebellious Jean-Luc Mélenchon would win 8% of the vote in the first round of the 2022 presidential election. ), with 7%. Anne Hidalgo, candidate for the Socialist Party, is at 5% of the vote. Arnaud Montebourg follows, with 2.5%, Fabien Roussel (PCF), 2% and Philippe Poutou (NPA) with 1.5% of the voting intentions. Nathalie Arthaud (Lutte Ouvrière) collects 0.5% of the voting intentions.

Retirement, salary, education, immigration … His proposals for 2022

Work must not damage bodies or souls – Anne Hidalgo, socialist presidential candidate

This Sunday, Anne Hidalgo made a point of honor to mark her difference with her right-wing opponents. The socialist candidate developed her program starting with the subject of pensions. “This is one of the great stakes of the election. Opposite, it is the distressing competition of who will set the highest bar. 64, no 65, 67 years old, nothing stops them when it comes to doing to drink to those who already toil all their lives. Well, I’m telling you, president, I will mark the retirement age at 62. It is the oath of Perpignan “, declared Anne Hidalgo on stage to the applause of the audience.

I will never resign myself to the poor being condemned to die before they retire. – Anne Hidalgo, socialist presidential candidate

And to cut the grass from under the feet of his detractors, the mayor of Paris has specified the main lines to finance this proposal. “And to financially consolidate our retirement plans, I will invite them to find the resources elsewhere […] in the general increase in wages, and in a relentless fight against fraud and tax optimization of which our social systems are also victims “.

The socialist candidate has also returned to the purchasing power of the French. “My five-year term will begin with clear and clear measures: the increase in salaries, starting with _a 15% increase in the minimum wage_, as Spain has just entered with Pedro Sanchez. “

We cannot allow the Mediterranean and the English Channel to turn into cemeteries

Touched by the latest tragedies in the Channel, Anne Hidalgo made a campaign pledge concerning the situation of migrants. “As soon as I am elected, I will initiate a discussion with a view to a balanced distribution of migrants between the different countries, and in particular with the group of volunteer countries. In France, _the issuance of residence permits must be humanized_, improved, simplified, accelerated. To achieve the best integration, we must improve the reception of foreigners, while controlling migratory flows by offering all the guarantees of rights and dignity. Better welcome, better integration, better renewal, these are our three objectives. “

As we know, insecurity is also one of the concerns of the French. A theme very popular with opponents of the socialist candidate, who made a point of not addressing this subject from the start of the meeting. One way to hide the difference. “We cannot tolerate the continued rise in attacks on people, nor the controlled cutting of entire neighborhoods by the drug mafias. _strengthen the police force and resources_, it is necessary to increase the number of judges and clerks so that justice can finally pass within acceptable deadlines and put in relation the offense and the sanction. “

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Anne Hidalgo reiterated her wish to increase teachers’ salaries. And on the education side, this is not the only proposition. “The school, the college, the high school like the university, will be again the crucible of our Republic. The disastrous policy of the last years has worsened the inequalities within the school. The universities are pitted against each other, creating poles of excellence against under-endowed poles, all arbitrated by the algorithms of coursup that I will delete. “

I will open the right to vote at 16 – Anne Hidalgo, socialist presidential candidate

A slip of the tongue … revealing?

On stage, it was the president of the Pyrénées-Orientales department who first spoke. Hermeline Malherbe presented Carole Delga, in place of the mayor of Paris. A slip that did not mark a smile in the room.

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