union mobilization two years after the suicide of an employee of a supermarket

Justice must pass. Those responsible must be condemned“, these are the words written on the leaflets of the Force Ouvrière union distributed this Saturday to customers of the Leclerc hypermarket in Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy, in Meurthe-et-Moselle. Two years ago, Maxime Cherry, employee of the store 34 years old and FO union delegate ended his days at his workplace.Two years later, the union denounces the delay in processing justice.

Nothing happens, the file is buried, we don’t want Maxime’s suicide to fall into oblivion“explains Frédéric Nicolas, secretary general of the departmental union of Force Ouvrière who wants”justice is shifting into high gear so that criminal proceedings can be initiated“.

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In this case, one of Maxime Cherry’s hierarchical superiors is directly targeted and accused by the union to have harassed the employee and to be at the origin of his suicide. “He was in a circle where he no longer had the psychological and physical means to lodge a complaint, he was at the end of his rope, specifies Frédéric Nicolas. In the letter that Maxime left, he explains that to avoid coming to blows with his superior, he preferred to commit suicide.“. At the material time, the Nancy prosecutor’s office specified that in this letter, the employee was reporting difficulties related to his work, as well as personal difficulties.

End of the analysis of the file in a few weeks

The Nancy parquet today evokes “a complex case made up of several hundred documents“, according to the public prosecutor François Pérain”this is not a simple criminal procedure“.

François Pérain specifies that the procedures of the national police and the labor inspectorate were filed in March 2021, “the analysis of this file should be completed in the coming weeks“specifies the prosecutor. A file”processed by the Nancy prosecutor’s office which has the means at its disposal“also underlines François Pérain specifying that since November”the public prosecutor’s office is very busy on this file“.

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