Unforgettable Louisette Dussault | The duty

My child’s heart is in tears, the Green Mouse is no more. We agree, Mrs. Louisette Dussault will have personified much more than a simple mouse. She will even have been a Blessed Virgin who bursts into the cult play The fairies are thirsty. And so many other notable characters too. But the Green Mouse, for the child that I was, it was all the colors of the world in a black and white screen. And an unforgettable refrain: “Ten sheep, nine sparrows, eight marmots, seven rabbits, six ducks, five ants, four cats and three chicks, two weasels and a mouse… ONE green mouse! »

A great lady who slipped into a fabric mouse to whisper in my ear that I was unique, an invaluable gift in an era that rarely valued uniqueness. Rest in peace, dear Louisette, from so many of us.

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