The unions have made the request for this increase “in the face of galloping inflation and the decline in the purchasing power of job seekers”, explained Force Ouvrière.
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A boost due to inflation. Unemployment insurance benefits will be increased by 1.9% on April 1, several unions announced on Friday March 24. The decision was taken during a Unédic board meeting. “This follows a collective initiative by trade unions which, faced with galloping inflation and the decline in the purchasing power of job seekers, requested and obtained this reassessment”welcomed Force Ouvrière in a press release.
The union welcomed “a first”, because until then, only one revaluation took place per year on July 1st. The CGT, however, deplored that the employers did not “no more than a revaluation of 1.9% in total disconnection with the precariousness of jobless people but, also, with the increases in social minima and the minimum wage”. The union abstained, without preventing the adoption of this revaluation for all that.