Unease in TPMP: Cyril Hanouna gives news of the evacuated spectator

In Do not touch My TV this Tuesday, January 25, Cyril Hanouna gave news of Théo, a spectator present in the public the day before. During the show, he had suffered an epileptic seizure and was taken out by security and paramedics. An incident related to his fear of places frequented by the public: “He is agoraphobic, explained the facilitator. He tries to take care of himself and that’s why, little by little, he comes out and comes into the public. It was a real challenge for him to come. He had a crisis but he is better.“Cyril Hanouna clarified that the applause was the cause of the outbreak of the crisis but he wanted to salute his courage:”He stayed about thirty minutes on the show, it’s huge for him. If he looks at us, it’s a huge victory. […] Do you realize Theo’s courage? He said to himself ‘I’m going to force myself, try to go into the public’, he lasted as long as possible. He did an amazing thing“.

Relieved to learn that everything was back to normal for Theo, the columnists expressed themselves and wanted to underline the exemplary behavior of Cyril Hanouna in the face of this unforeseen event: “Congratulations to the teams and you to your composure because managing this stress by being stressed yourself is not easy“said Valérie Bénaïm. The host wanted to send a message to Théo: “We look forward to it next time, don’t be shy, don’t stress it out. If he comes back and has a fit, it’s nothing. On the contrary, he must force himself to come.

As a reminder, the spectator had entered into a crisis some time after the start of the program. Sitting in the front row, not far from Cyril Hanouna, Theo had let out a cry before being taken care of by security and rescue. The host had asked that he be taken to a dressing room so that he could rest quietly: “It’s a boy who had an epileptic fit, who comes to see us and we are very happy every time. It’s gonna get better, it’s impressive but it’s gonna be okay“. All’s well That ends well !

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