unease in the ranks of the Nupes after a new vote of support for the RN

The National Rally gave itself a new bang on Monday by voting for the second time in a week the motion of censure submitted by the left. What rekindle the unease on the benches of the left and the critics of the government.

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The Social Security draft budget was adopted Monday, October 31 at first reading in the Assembly, due to the rejection of two new motions of censure against the government, one tabled by the National Rally, the other by the Nupes. However, 22 deputies of the New Popular Ecological and Social Union did not vote for the motion of censure of insubordinate France.

Either they are against systematic motions of censure after a 49.3, or they did not want to mix their voices with those of the RN, which supported the motion tabled by the left. “I can understand. Myself, at the first motion of censure, I had a moment of hesitation, the fear that Le Pen would lead us into a traprecognizes the ecologist Benjamin Lucas.

“In reality, if we start not voting for the texts anymore because Le Pen is trying to use them against us, then she will have won.”

Benjamin Lucas, environmentalist

at franceinfo

And if some hold their noses, within the Nupes, this is not the case for the rebellious Éric Coquerel. The voices, he takes them all. “We table motions of censure, to succeed in ensuring that the government does not continue to apply its policy. From then on, you have to be in the majority and to be in the majority, forces other than the majority must Nupes end up saying ‘We don’t want this government to continue either’,” he justifies.

What expose themselves once again to criticism from the majority and the head of government, Elisabeth Borne who dismissed the two opposition groups back to back. “The new union of populisms does not build an alternative majority”, she harangued the deputies at the podium. Critics that have not finished resonating in the hemicycle. The RN promises to vote on all competing motions of no confidence, unless they contain, for example, anti-republican remarks.

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