under the Taliban regime, the increasingly devastating situation of women



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A year after the return to power of the Taliban in Afghanistan, the situation of women has deteriorated enormously. Even the numerous beggars suffer the regime’s violent repression.

In the streets of Kabul, they are more numerous every day. Dozens of women beg, in burkas. In front of this bakery, many of them wait almost every day. “We sit here hoping someone will give us some money. It will allow us to buy bread to feed our children, to survive, because we can no longer work“, testifies one of them. We also collect plastic waste to earn some money“, adds another.

Poverty is harshly repressed. Every day, Taliban patrols arrest and imprison beggars. They assure that they only maintain order. “Those who really need help find it. We try to flush out professional beggars who belong to networks. They are criminals and they will go to jail“, says Mohammed Nasery, director of this detention center.

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