under the bombs, civilians try to live a more or less normal life



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On the front of the war, the fights continue, the Russian air force pursues its strategy of intensive bombardment. For civilians, it is a tragedy that continues to play out. There are now nearly 3.5 million refugees who have left the country.

Artillery fire echoes in the sky over Kherson, Ukraine. In response, a rain of aerial missiles fell in the distance. The explosions stop for a moment. During this short lull, a Ukrainian minibus comes into action. Its mission: to shelter the last people who still live here. Men, looking haggard, leave a lifetime behind. New bombings resound. Once safe, a Ukrainian breaks down in tears. “They do not fight against soldiers, but against the people”he said.

A few miles away is Mykolaiv, where others have chosen to stay despite the risks. In a building, Alexandre Zadera was close to death by saving his mother from the flames in her apartment. To protect themselves from bombs, women choose to stay in underground shelters day and night, preferring to live underground rather than leave the city. “We tried to create more or less normal living conditions here. We change our minds, we make pancakes, we bring jam”says Inna Kouriy, a resident of Mykolaiv. These few Ukrainians have decided to stay at home until the end, whatever the price.

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