Under investigation, MP Marie-Louise Tardif temporarily withdraws from the CAQ caucus

“To avoid being a distraction”, MNA Marie-Louise Tardif will temporarily withdraw from the caucus of MNAs of the Coalition avenir Québec (CAQ), pending the conclusion of the investigation by the Sûreté du Québec (SQ) targeting her .

The office of the Chief Government Whip made the announcement in a short press release sent to the media on Tuesday. “I have chosen to withdraw from the CAQ caucus to shed light on the events,” said the member for Laviolette–Saint-Maurice in a written statement.

Mme Tardif, who is serving her second term as elected to the National Assembly, is the subject of an investigation by the SQ because she allegedly intimidated a former employee in the middle of the courtroom.

His departure from caucus brings the number of CAQ deputies to 89.

Further details will follow.

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