Under influence | François Létourneau: it’s cinema that he loves

Artists are also the sum of the works that have forged them. François Létourneau, actor, screenwriter and director of the series This is how I love younominated 15 times at the Gémeaux Awards Gala presented this Sunday, talks about those that have left their mark on him to our columnist Marc Cassivi, as part of our new Sous influences column.

Marc Cassivi: I am interested in the works that made you the artist you are…

François Létourneau: I have always loved cinema above all. Like you, I wrote film reviews in the student newspaper. Impact Campus at Laval University. Cinema has always been a refuge for me. When I was going through difficult times, I would go into the basement and watch my movies. As a teenager, I would copy movies that I would rent from the video store. Then, I would buy the VHS, DVD, Blu-ray, and today, I have the digital version on my phone…

What kind of movies?

The first film that made me love cinema, it’s not original, but it’s Star Warswhich I saw on TVEC, the pay TV. I recorded it on an audio cassette. With my sister, we had fun playing the characters by lip-synching. I often say that my first play was Star Warsat 6 years old. A film that had a big effect on me at the cinema is Aliensby James Cameron. I left the theater so excited. It was at the Théâtre Canadien in Quebec, which had 70mm projections with incredible sound!

A science fiction fan, then?

Yes, especially at that age. As a teenager, I started to get into horror movies. Evil Dead 2I love this film! At the same time, I was going to the theater. I discovered Michel Tremblay, I read The sisters-in-law and I saw the play at the Trident. I saw The neighbors by Claude Meunier, which I read in CEGEP and which made me laugh out loud. And then the discovery of Clémence DesRochers, for me, is major. I went to see her shows with my mother, who loved her very much. I must have been 8 years old! I was probably the youngest in the room. There is poetry in her monologues, which I learned by heart. My first memories of having fun with the Quebec language are thanks to Clémence DesRochers. I have always loved her.


Clemence DesRochers

(A woman approaches us at the café table. She was François Létourneau’s mother’s literature student at university and insists on greeting her.)

Your mother must have introduced you to literature too, I imagine?

My mother was doing her PhD on Jean-Jacques Rousseau when I was little. She was typing on her typewriter and it fascinated me. There were a lot of books in our house, but I was never a big reader. My girlfriend laughs at me because I buy a lot of books that I don’t finish. I forget about them. I read Paul Auster and John Irving as a teenager, at my mother’s suggestion. The World According to Garpwhich was quite avant-garde, with a transsexual character.

I saw the film as a teenager. Was it cinema that was your gateway to culture?

There was really a turning point that happened in CEGEP, in a philosophy class, when I saw Zelig by Woody Allen. This movie is a masterpiece! Obviously, it’s tricky to talk about Woody Allen. But as I tell my son, who is 17: there is so little beauty in the world that when artists make works that are beautiful, we don’t throw them away. No matter what we think of them. I’m talking aboutHannah and her sisters to younger people who tell me they will never watch this film. I find that sad. I spent a summer discovering Woody Allen, and at the same time, I discovered Seinfeld…

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