under a freezing cold, the inhabitants without solution to spend the night



Video length: 1 min.

France 3

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Faced with the scale of the disaster that devastated Turkey and Syria on Monday, February 6, international aid is being organised. Residents are panicked.

In Turkey and Syria, the authorities fear a humanitarian crisis, with tens of thousands of people homeless and in the cold. “The situation this evening is very critical. You have to imagine (…) extreme cold, snow, wind. In Antakya (Turkey) particularly, entire streets are devastated, and people are launching SOS to find a roof for shelter tonight”reports journalist Delphine Minoui, live from Istanbul (Turkey), Monday, February 6.

The fear of post-seismic tremors

A resident of Gaziantep (Turkey) confided in the afternoon to the journalist that “whole families [sont] gathered in parks, [avec] women and children shivering with cold”. “Even if you still have a roof, there is this fear of post-seismic tremors, and of being trapped again in your own house”concludes Delphine Minoui.

source site-29