Meta’s AI-driven profiles on Facebook have been around since 2023 but failed to gain traction due to poor execution. Initially launched as a test with 28 accounts, these profiles produced low-quality content and were quickly disregarded by users, leading to their eventual cessation of activity by April 2024. Despite recent claims of a new initiative, Meta clarified that these profiles were part of an earlier experiment. The company is now removing many of these accounts as users become aware of their existence.
Despite Meta’s recent claims, AI-driven profiles on Facebook have been a part of the platform since 2023, albeit with lackluster execution that led them to fade into obscurity.
At the end of December 2024, we discussed this in our articles, highlighting insights from Meta’s vice president of product for generative AI in an interview with the Financial Times. The company aims to introduce profiles fully crafted and managed by AI on Facebook and Instagram.
Users online quickly reacted, noting profiles under the hashtag #imaginedWithAI. Many assumed that this indicated a new initiative from Mark Zuckerberg’s team. However, the reality is quite different.
In truth, there are no new plans; the reason being that AI profiles have been around since 2023. These profiles emerged alongside fake accounts impersonating celebrities. Meta spokesperson Liz Sweeney pointed out that “there is confusion.”
AI Profiles on Facebook: A 2023 Launch That Went Unnoticed
“The recent article in the Financial Times discussed our vision for AI characters on our platforms over time, not a new product launch. The accounts in question originated from a test we conducted […] in 2023, managed by humans as part of our initial AI character experiment,” explained Sweeney.
Read also – Meta enables AI avatar creation on Instagram, Facebook, and WhatsApp
Thus, there’s nothing novel to report. In France, these profiles are not visible; they are limited to users in the United States. However, why did Americans only start to notice these profiles after Meta’s comments to the Financial Times, long after their debut? The answer is straightforward: their subpar quality rendered them nearly invisible.
Meta’s AI Profiles: A Dismal Failure Leading to Their Demise
Initially, 28 AI-managed accounts were introduced in September 2023. Almost immediately, they began posting stereotypical messages and producing low-quality images. Some even shared blatantly incorrect information. For example, an account named “Liv” boasted on Instagram about organizing a clothing drive for those in need.
However, “Liv” also shared photos of her alleged children, with their skin color inconsistently changing in every image. The other profiles exhibited similar issues, resulting in immediate disregard from users. All AI accounts ceased posting around April 2024.
This unfortunate outcome illustrates that users don’t engage with bots on social media. Adding to the potential for misuse, now that the public is aware of their existence, it’s clear why Meta is actively removing these AI profiles. Of the original 28, 15 have already been taken down.
Officially, the company stated they “identified a bug that prevented users from blocking these AIs” and has been deleting accounts while “resolving this issue.” This provides a convenient excuse, deflecting attention from the underlying problem.
Source: 404 Media