“Unconscious, selfish, polluting”, this new tribe of “Large families, life in XXL” announces a happy event and anticipates the ugly criticism!

Each week, TF1 can boast of bringing together thousands of viewers in front of “Large families, life in XXL”.On screen, the channel likes to highlight the daily life of multiple extended tribes. Like that of Astrid and Arthur Denois who are the happy parents of five children: Brune, Alma, Octave, Paola and Melchior. But according to the mother’s Instagram post relayed this Thursday, May 11, 2023, a sixth baby is on the way!

Not a little proud, the pretty brunette did not fail to immortalize her impressive baby bump to the delight of her followers. “Yes, we are going to have to make some room at home for this new baby who already has a lot of them in our hearts. We have been through all the states, but today we are experiencing the best: joy, excitement and can’t wait to discover his little head and above all to hug him and cuddle him for hours”, she said in her caption.

Fulfilled on all levels, Astrid Denois is eager to meet this little being who is growing in her womb: “Long live the gifts of life! […] We promise, we will give the best of ourselves so that he brings his little stone to the building of life. Tell yourself above all that, when we leave the reins on his neck, life is much more beautiful, more generous and above all more imaginative than our plans that are a little too narrow!”.

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“Think about your retirement!”

This upcoming birth will upset some of their landmarks. But never mind! The Denois have been able to adapt over the years. “Yes, we will have to reinvent ourselves. Surely move. In any case, reorganize. beautiful gift from heaven”added the happy mother of five children. “Thank God and live life.” To shut up her detractors, Astrid Denois also sent them a little message… Not without humor!

“And to all those who don’t understand, those who find it reckless, selfish, polluting or I don’t know what else, think about your retirement”, she maliciously slipped into her publication. “What a blessing, congratulations, “It’s wonderful, who cares what other people think. Enjoy”, Great news, take care”, replied a few of its thousands of subscribers. A shared happiness!


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