UN warns of “mass famine” in Gaza


Video length: 1 min

War between Israel and Hamas: the UN warns of “mass famine” in Gaza

War between Israel and Hamas: the UN warns of “mass famine” in Gaza – (franceinfo)

More than four months of war between Israel and Hamas: faced with the diplomatic blockage, new negotiations were held in Paris to try to obtain a truce accompanied by the release of hostages. While the Israeli army continued to bomb the Gaza Strip on Saturday February 24, mass famine is feared for the Palestinians.

In the dead of night, flames and a thick plume of smoke rose into the sky over Rafah (Gaza), hit by an Israeli strike on Saturday February 24. These nighttime bombings would have killed more than a hundred Palestinians before dawn, according to the Hamas health ministry.

A population exhausted by lack of food

In the Jabaliya refugee camp (Gaza), hunger is felt: residents jostle to receive food and children queue around pots. “Where are we without these supplies? We want a government. Look, we are fighting for rice: we are in a war of famine”, testifies a resident. Another woman laments: “There is no food, no water, no flour, no cooking oil, nothing: death is preferable.” According to the UN, 2.2 million people are threatened with “mass famine”: humanitarian aid is insufficient and its delivery is made difficult by destruction and fighting.

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