UN Security Council convenes urgently following truce between Islamic Jihad and Israel

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5:31 p.m. : The UN Security Council meets urgently this afternoon in New York to discuss the situation in Gaza, where three days of deadly conflict between Israel and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad left 44 dead and 360 injured in the Gaza Strip, according to the Ministry of Health in Gaza. Israeli Ambassador to the UN Gilad Erdan rejected “all responsibility” on Islamic Jihad.

2:22 p.m. : With a little delay, here is the point on the news:

Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin announced a intensification of checks against people performing urban rodeosacts “criminals who come to very seriously injure children”, as in the Val-d’Oise this weekend.

• The head of the Ukrainian nuclear agency Energoatom has called for the creation of a “demilitarized zone” on the site of the Zaporijjia nuclear power plant, hit by bombardments for which kyiv and Moscow accuse each other.

The two fires that broke out last night in western Dordogne were “fixed” this morning, after burning nearly 90 hectares, according to a final report from the prefecture. In Isère, the fire which broke out on Friday in the foothills of the Chartreuse in Isère is still ongoing and has ravaged 80 hectares.

Fuel trucks entered the Gaza Strip this morning after a truce between Islamic Jihad and Israel came into effect following three days of hostilities that claimed the lives of 44 Palestinians. Follow our live.

2:09 p.m. : Israel is “completely satisfied and this truce corresponds perfectly to our objectives”, according to a spokesperson for the Hebrew Ministry of Foreign Affairs on franceinfo. Fighting between Israel and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad has left 44 dead and 360 injured in Gaza since Friday, before a truce was signed last night.

12:50 p.m. : What does the truce agreement between Israel and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad say? Franceinfo summarizes what there is to know about this fragile text.


12:11 p.m. : Let’s take a look at the news:

Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin announced a intensification of controls throughout France against people performing urban rodeosacts “criminals who come to very seriously injure children”, as in the Val-d’Oise this weekend.

The two fires that broke out last night in western Dordogne were “fixed” this morning after burning nearly 90 hectares, according to a final report from the prefecture. In Isère, the fire which broke out late Friday afternoon in the foothills of the Chartreuse in Isère is still ongoing and has ravaged 80 hectares, announced the prefecture. Since this weekend, France has been facing a series of forest fires which are not yet all under control. We take stock of the situation.

Fuel trucks entered the Gaza Strip this morning after a truce between Islamic Jihad and Israel came into effect following three days of hostilities that claimed the lives of 44 Palestinians in strikes forces on the enclave, while the Palestinian organization launched nearly a thousand rockets on the Jewish state. Follow our live.

09:13 : Let’s take a look at the news:

Fuel trucks entered the Gaza Strip after the entry into force the day before of a truce between Israel and Islamic Jihad, noted an AFP journalist. These trucks entered through the Kerem Shalom goods crossing point in the south of the enclave, hours after the end of hostilities that claimed the lives of 44 Palestinians.

The government wants increase by 12.5 billion eurosan increase “unprecedented by 11.4%”, the credits allocated in the 2023 budget to Education, Labor and Solidarityannounces the Minister of Public Accounts Gabriel Attal in an interview which appears today in The echoes.

The Chinese army has announced, despite international calls, the continuation of military exercises near Taiwan, again to protest against the visit to the island claimed by Beijing of the American number three Nancy Pelosi. Beijing had begun on Thursday, the day after the departure from Taipei of the Speaker of the House of Representatives, maneuvers “live fire” in six large areas all around Taiwan.

07:35 : Let’s take a look at the news:

The precarious truce that came into effect last night between the Palestinian armed group Islamic Jihad and Israel was apparently respected this morning, after three days of hostilities which claimed the lives of 44 Palestinians including children in Israeli strikes on the Gaza Strip.

After 18 months of negotiations and a marathon night of debates, the US Senate passed Joe Biden’s grand plan on climate and health, delivering a significant milestone victory for the president, less than 100 days from crucial elections.

The site of Ukraine’s Zaporizhia nuclear power plant, the largest in Europe, was the target of strikes for the second time in just over 24 hours this weekend, while four new cargo ships loaded with grain, crucial for global food security, left Ukrainian ports.

• Two fires broke out late yesterday afternoon in the forest of Double, in the west of the Dordogne, burning “about a hundred hectares”, the department’s fire department said yesterday. In Isère, some 130 residents of several hamlets in the foothills of the Chartreuse massif were preventively evacuated after a forest and vegetation fire now extending over 75 hectares.

source site-24