UN Security Council adopts resolution to facilitate humanitarian aid to Afghanistan

The UN Security Council on Wednesday unanimously adopted a resolution proposed by the United States that facilitates humanitarian aid for a year to Afghanistan, on the brink of economic collapse, hoping that the Taliban will not benefit from it.

The resolution states that “the payment of funds, financial assets” as well as “the provision of goods and services necessary” to meet “basic human needs in Afghanistan” are “permitted” and “do not constitute a violation” of sanctions. imposed on entities linked to the Taliban.

The adoption of this text represents a first step for the United Nations with regard to Afghanistan, led since August by the Taliban, whose regime has not yet been recognized by the international community.

It aims to reduce the risk of an influx of refugees fleeing poverty to countries neighboring Afghanistan and to address a need for increased assistance, as noted by the United States.

UN Security Council adopts resolution to facilitate humanitarian aid to Afghanistan

Unlike a previous version of the text which provided for exemptions from sanctions limited to case by case – which China failed on Monday – the adopted resolution covers the provision of humanitarian aid in the broad sense.

“Humanitarian aid and life-saving assistance must be able to reach the Afghan people without any hindrance,” Chinese Ambassador to the UN, Zhang Jun said at the time, asserting that “conditions or restrictions created artificially were not acceptable ”.

UN Security Council adopts resolution to facilitate humanitarian aid to Afghanistan

In an attempt to ensure that aid will go to the Afghans and that the Taliban will not benefit from it, the resolution calls for a review of the basic humanitarian relief exemption after twelve months. During the negotiations, France and India had however insisted that the duration of the resolution be only six months, according to diplomats.

“If evidence shows that the exemption is abused or that the money reaches people sanctioned, it is possible to go back”, assures AFP a diplomat on condition of anonymity .

The resolution “strongly encourages providers” of humanitarian aid to “minimize any direct or indirect benefit” to individuals or entities subject to international sanctions.

This text also includes a check on the destination of humanitarian aid within two months of its distribution, as well as a UN report on the operation of the aid every six months.

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