UN Secretary-General calls on Israel and Hamas to “seize the opportunity for a ceasefire”

The UN Secretary General reacted, Friday May 31 in the evening, to the new ceasefire agreement proposed by Israel, and announced by Joe Biden. Antonio Guterres thus calls the Hebrew State and Hamas has “seize the opportunity for a ceasefire” in the Gaza Strip. “We have witnessed too much suffering and destruction in Gaza. It is time to stop”wrote on the leader, who hopes for “lasting peace in the Middle East”. Follow our live stream.

A three-phase ceasefire agreement. According to Joe Biden, the “roadmap” firstly includes a six-week ceasefire, accompanied by a withdrawal of the Israeli armyfrom all populated areas of Gaza”, but also the release of certain hostages still held. In the second phase, the American president spoke of the cessation “permed” hostilities and the release of all hostages. The reconstruction of the Gaza Strip would take place in a third and final phase.

Hamas in favor of this agreement. Hamas views positively what was included today [vendredi] in the speech of US President Joe Biden”, announced the Palestinian Islamist movement in a press release.

The EU welcomes a “realistic” proposal. “I completely agree with Biden that the latest proposal provides a real opportunity to move toward an end to the war and civilian suffering in Gaza. This three-step approach is balanced and realistic. now needs the support of all parties”, reacted on the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen.

Four dead, including a rescuer, in southern Lebanon. According to Hezbollah and an affiliated organization, these four people were killed in Israeli strikes in Adloun, near the border with Israel. The Shiite movement responded with rocket fire towards the Jewish state.

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