UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres visited Boutcha


France 2

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Thursday, April 28, the UN Secretary General, Antonio Guterres visited the martyr cities of the war in Ukraine. He went to Boutcha, in the suburbs of kyiv.

Thursday, April 28, Antonio Guterres traveled to the Ukrainian cities Borodyanka and Boutcha. The UN Secretary General was moved by the extent of the destruction in these cities martyred by the conflict. “War is nonsense in the 21st century”, did he declare. “When we see this horrible site, I realize how important it is to have a thorough investigation and accountabilitys”, he said in Boutcha (Ukraine), where the bodies of civilians had been discovered, after the departure of the Russian army.

Antonio Guterres called on Russia to cooperate with the International Criminal Court’s investigation. Investigations have begun to find evidence of what happened in the city. French gendarmes are taking part in this investigation. Russia, accused of having committed war crimes, denounces for its part a staging.

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