UN rights chief ‘very concerned’ after Israeli ministers call on Palestinians to leave Gaza

The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Volker Türk, said on Thursday January 4, “very worried” after comments from senior Israeli officials calling on Palestinians to leave Gaza. “International law prohibits the forcible transfer of protected persons within an occupied territory or their expulsion from this territory”he added.

Israeli Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich, one of the faces of the far right within Benjamin Netanyahu’s government, advocated the return of Jewish settlers to the Gaza Strip after the war. “To have securityhe estimated, we need to control the territory and for that we need a civilian presence on site.”. A position shared by other members of the Israeli executive. Follow our live stream.

The head of American diplomacy in Israel at the end of the week. Anthony Blinken, the American Secretary of State, begins a new diplomatic shuttle in the Middle East on Thursday evening with a stop planned in Israel. This is his fourth trip to the region since the start of the Gaza war.

Hezbollah leader warns Israel. The leader of powerful pro-Iranian Hezbollah, Hassan Nasrallah, warned that his group would fight “without limits” if Israel declared war on Lebanon, the day after the elimination of the number two of Palestinian Hamas near Beirut. “No one has any interest in escalation” in the region, reacted the American State Department. The French Minister of Foreign Affairs, Catherine Colonna, for her part called for “the responsibility” of the parties involved.

Germany calls on its nationals to leave Lebanon. “The security situation in the region is very volatile”assured the German Foreign Ministry on Wednesday, calling on German nationals to leave this country “by the most rapid means”.

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