UN report accuses Israel of main cause of conflict with Palestinians

Israel, which refused to cooperate with the commission, said “the report is biased and biased, disqualified by its hatred for the State of Israel and based on a long series of biased and biased reports,” according to a statement.

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Israel’s occupation of Palestinian territories and discrimination against the Palestinian population are “main causes” recurring tensions and instability, said a commission of inquiry mandated by the UN Human Rights Council, in a report published on Tuesday, June 7.

Israel, which refused to cooperate with the commission, considered “that the report is biased and biased, disqualified by its hatred for the State of Israel and based on a long series of biased and biased reports”according to a statement from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

“The conclusions and recommendations related to the root causes [de ce conflit] overwhelmingly point to Israel, which we analyze as an indicator of the asymmetrical nature of the conflict and the reality of one state occupying another.”writes the president of this commission, the South African and former High Commissioner for Human Rights, Navanethem Pillay.

“Ending Israel’s occupation of territories, in full compliance with Security Council resolutions, remains crucial to ending the persistent cycle of violence”can we read in this first report written by this commission.

“What has become a situation of perpetual occupation has been cited by both Palestinian and Israeli stakeholders as one of the roots of recurring tensions, instability and protracted conflict both in the occupied Palestinian territories, including East Jerusalem than in Israel”continues the report.

The Jewish state, which accuses Navanethem Pillay of being “an anti-Israel activist” believes that the investigation “ignored the real reasons that led Israel to defend its citizens against lethal terrorist organizations that are committing a double war crime: shooting Israeli civilians from civilian areas in Gaza.”

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