UN denounces human rights abuses across Ukraine

“We are concerned about the restrictions imposed on the freedom of expression of critical or unpopular opinions (…)”, declared the Deputy High Commissioner for Human Rights in particular.

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The United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights denounced, Wednesday, December 15, the violations of human rights in the whole of Ukraine, but the Western countries mainly took advantage of the debate to denounce Russia, of which they fear that she wants to invade her neighbor.

In the part controlled by the Ukrainian government, “We are concerned about restrictions on freedom of expression of critical or unpopular views and participation in peaceful rallies on sensitive issues, as well as the safety of human rights defenders.”Deputy High Commissioner for Human Rights Nada Al-Nashif told the Human Rights Council during the presentation of a report on Ukraine covering the period of November 1, 2019 until October 31, 2021.

The High Commissioner’s services thus have evidence of 29 incidents targeting journalists, media professionals and government critics. They also listed 14 incidents (attacks, threats and intimidation) against defenders of human rights, women’s rights, gender equality and the LGBT + community.

In the pro-Moscow regions of the East with self-proclaimed autonomy, the High Commission denounces the “restrictions” imposed on civic space and fundamental freedoms, which are particularly aimed at people who express their pro-Ukraine position. He cites as an example the case of an entrepreneur sentenced to 13 and a half years in prison for expressing these views.

It also notes the reprisals to which human rights defenders are exposed in these territories and emphasizes that “Freedom of peaceful assembly has been severely restricted.”

With regard to Crimea, annexed by Russia, the High Commission “continued to record violations of human rights and international humanitarian law”. The report underlines in particular the repression which hits all those expressing a critical opinion against Russia.

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