UN calls for release of Saudi woman sentenced to 34 years in prison for tweets critical of government

This sentence “of an extraordinarily long duration” could have “chilling” effects on “critics of the government and on civil society in general”, according to the UN human rights office.

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The organization said “dismayed” by the decision of the Saudi courts. The UN has called for the immediate and unconditional release of a Saudi student sentenced to 34 years in prison for tweets critical of the government on Friday August 19.

Saudi doctoral student Salma Al-Chehab was sentenced for having “provided help”via his tweets, to political opponents who seek to “disturbing public order”, according to the decision of a Saudi Arabian appeals court issued on August 9. She will also be banned from leaving the country for the same period once released from prison.

“She should never have been arrested and charged for such behavior”said a spokeswoman for the UN human rights office, who added that this “extraordinarily long sentence” could have effects “deterrents” on “the critics of the government and on civil society in general”. The court decision is also “a new example of Saudi authorities using the country’s anti-terrorism and anti-cybercrime laws to target human rights defenders”denounces the spokesperson.

The UN human rights office is also calling on the Saudi authorities to review all convictions of human rights defenders relating to freedom of expression. He mentions in particular “women who have been imprisoned after legitimately demanding reform of discriminatory policies, as well as religious leaders and journalists”.

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