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The strike movement could last until Sunday August 28, in the United Kingdom. Dockworkers at Britain’s largest cargo port joined the protesters.
The main British cargo port is shut down on Monday August 22. 40% of the country’s containers usually pass through here, especially to supermarkets. Dockers, crane operators and operators joined the strike movement across the UK on Sunday. In Felixstowe (United Kingdom), this is a first for 33 years. “We want a 10% salary increase”chanted the demonstrators. “If we don’t catch up with inflation now, then when?”wonders Charles Matthews, technician at the port of Felixstowe.
The previous week, trains nationwide and the London Underground were also paralyzed. The cost of living crisis is affecting more and more sectors. The management of the port of Felixstowe considers that the demands of the dockworkers are excessive, after having already proposed an 8% increase. The main port union has promised an eight-day strike. There are already fewer trucks on the road, with some carriers. The ranks of protesters will soon be swelled by lawyers from England and Wales, “thus joining the postal workers”says journalist Matthieu Boisseau, while teachers and caregivers “threaten to do the same”.