Ukrainians do not believe Russians who say they want to focus on Donbass



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Live from kyiv (Ukraine) on Friday March 25, journalist Agnès Vahramyan reports how Ukrainians received the announcement of Russians. The latter claim to want to focus their actions on the Donbass.

Russia made a strong announcement on Friday March 25: it says it wants to focus its efforts on Donbass. “A tactical statement, a lie to buy time… That’s what we hear here”reports journalist Agnès Vahramian live from kyiv, the Ukrainian capital, in the 19/20 of France 3. “The inhabitants do not believe for a second that kyiv is saved, that the Russians have given up taking it”, she continues. However, the Ukrainians recognize that this declaration coincides with the counter-offensive which “seems strong enough”.

“For three days, something has been happening here. The Russian tanks have retreated 30 kilometers to the east. It seems that the noose has loosened around the capital”, explains Agnès Vahramian. But is this retreat of Russian troops definitive? “Only Vladimir Putin knows that”concludes the journalist

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