Ukrainian students at school, spring is coming and how to make friends

Nature at spring time, how Ukrainians arriving in France are taken care of and tips for making friends, this is the menu of the podcast “Salut l’info!”

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Reading time : 1 min.

Produced by franceinfo and Astrapi magazine, each week, the podcastHi info! offers a tour of the news to its young listeners (7-11 years old).

In this episode, Estelle talks about the Paralympic Games in Beijing (China), which have just ended. The French athletes returned from the competition with 7 gold medals in their suitcases.

The news also takes us to Ukraine, where the war continues. It drives millions of people to flee their homes and find refuge in neighboring countries and even as far as France. Estelle tells how they are welcomed in our country. The opportunity for the show to teach children a few words in Ukrainian to welcome new Ukrainian students who have just arrived.

Also on the program this week: news that smells like flowers… This Sunday, March 20, it’s the return of spring. Marina from franceinfo explains to children how nature comes back to life at this time of year. Of course, the show also gives children a voice! First to confide… like Lou, who asks for advice on how to make friends when she is going to change class and go to sixth grade. And then also for fun, thanks to the children’s jokes left on the show’s answering machine, on 01 47 79 40 00. And to end with music, Arthur makes us discover the song Root soprano. Good listening !

“Hi news!” brought to you this week by:

Estelle Faure, Lara Mercier and Rémi Chaurand in production

Marina Cabiten and Marion Joseph as editors

Philippe Baudouin directing

Frédérick Vignaud at the mixing

Seen from Europe

Franceinfo selects daily content from European public audiovisual media, members of Eurovision. These contents are published in English or French.

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