Ukrainian school hit by shell



France 2

Article written by

M.Burgot, S.Guillemot, B.Vignais, A.Bezliudnyi, Y.Kadouch – France 2

France Televisions

A school was bombed in Ukraine, a few kilometers from the province of Donbassheld by pro-Russian separatists, Thursday, February 17. The latter say they responded to fire from the Ukrainian army. Those clashes couldserve as a pretext for war?

It is the image that shocks the Ukrainians. The debris of a kindergarten hit by artillery fire on the morning of Thursday, February 17, in Stanitsa Luhanska (Ukraine). Employees were present at the time of the attack, 8:45 am. In the school sports hall, the bricks are strewn on the ground, in the middle of the balls. Women explained to the editorial staff of 20 Heures that about twenty children were present when the explosion took place. Through luck, they were taking the breakfast upstairs.

These heavy weapon strikes multiplied in recent hours, on a line of contact that separates the regions between pro-Russian separatists and Ukraine. The town of Stanitsa Luhanska is located precisely on this front line.This kind of very symbolic strike could be the start of a spiral that would lead to all-out war“, says Maryse Burgotspecial correspondent in Ukraine.


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