Ukrainian President Zelensky acclaimed by the population


France 3

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Since the beginning of the Russian offensive, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has revealed himself as the leader of a people who have entered into resistance. 19/20 journalist Dorothée Olliericlive from Kyiv (Ukraine)explains that the Ukrainian President continues to address the population regularly.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky “won hearts and minds” of the population, explains 19/20 journalist Dorothée Olliericlive from Kyiv (Ukraine). “I was talking earlier with a young Ukrainian woman who had stars in her eyes when she talked about it. She said : ‘He’s brave, he’s stunning, he’s impressive'”continues the journalist.

“Yet before his election three years ago, [Volodymyr Zelensky] knew nothing about war or politics. There was a poll before the invasion, the Ukrainians were asked: ‘Do you think he will make a good warlord?’. It was a 50% ‘yes’ answer. Today it’s 90%.”reports Dorothy Ollieric. “One another Ukrainian said to me: ‘We have won more than a warlord, we have won a president whose voice carries far beyond our borders'”concludes the journalist.


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