Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky is in Kherson, a city recaptured from the Russians last week

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11:35 a.m. : The Kremlin reacted quickly to the arrival of Volodymyr Zelensky in Kherson, three days after the entry of the Ukrainian army in the southern Ukrainian city. “We will not comment, you know well that this is the territory of the Russian Federation”said Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov.

11:29 : Images of Volodymyr Zelensky’s visit to Kherson were broadcast by the Ukrainian President’s Telegram account. Here are a few :


11:26 : Volodymyr Zelensky was interviewed by TV presenter Dmitry Komarov. The Ukrainian president first joked, explaining that he had come to get watermelons (Kherson’s agricultural specialty), but had not yet had time to do so. “It is important for me to be here. Everyone is in danger, both soldiers and journalists. But it seems to me that it was necessary to come here, in order to support the inhabitants of Kherson. beyond the promises, they can see that we are really regaining our territories.”

11:01 a.m. : Volodymyr Zelensky moved through the city of Kherson today, surrounded by heavily armed bodyguards, according to videos posted on social networks. “Glory to Ukraine!” chanted residents from the balcony of a building. “Glory to the heroes!”replied the Head of State and those accompanying him.

10:54 : The Ukrainian army entered the city of Kherson on Friday, after eight months of Russian occupation. “Our people. A we. Kherson”reacted on Telegram Volodymyr Zelensky. Today is a historic day. We return to Kherson. The locals were waiting for us.”

10:50 a.m. : Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky is in Kherson (Ukraine), a few days after the withdrawal of Russian forces.

09:25 : According to the British Ministry of Defence, the decisions taken by the Russian General Staff” will be partly linked at the “arrival of winter”. Having shorter days will cause fewer offensives and more static defensive front lines”, according to this same source.

09:20 : In a new update on the situation in Ukraine this morning, the British Minister of Defense explains that “Ihe winter will bring a change in the conditions of the conflict, both for Russian and Ukrainian forces. Changes in daylight, temperature and weather will present unique challenges for combat soldiers.”

09:33 : According to the head of the Dnipropetrovsk region (Ukraine), the city of Nikopol was again the target of fire from Russian forces last night, with more than 60 shells fired. As a result, 45,000 families are left without water, according to the same source on Telegram.

09:05 : Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky accuses Russian forces of having committed “atrocities” during the occupation of Kherson. According to the leader, 400 “war crimes” committed by Russian troops have been documented, but the locations of these crimes have not been specified.

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