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Ukraine announced that it had broken through Russian defenses and recaptured territories in the east and south of the country on Thursday (September 8th).
The Ukrainian army announced a breakthrough towards Kharkiv, a strategic region occupied for six months by the Russian army, Thursday, September 8. Ukraine is said to have regained control of around twenty municipalities in the east of the country. Russian authorities have confirmed “hard fights”and broadcast images of long columns of reinforcements, men and equipment, en route to the area.
The major issue is the city of Koupiansk, where a journalist from Russian public television is. “Kupyansk remains fully under the control of the Russian army”, he said, on the evening of Thursday, September 8. According to some experts, the Ukrainian counter-offensive is still far from being consolidated. Fighting also continues in southern Ukraine and the Donetsk region, where eight civilians were killed by Russian strikes, according to Ukrainian authorities.