Ukrainian army claims to have destroyed 223 Iranian drones since mid-September

The European Union has gathered “evidence” of the use of these devices by Russia and is preparing sanctions against Tehran, a spokeswoman announced on Wednesday.

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The Ukrainian Air Force on Wednesday (September 19) claimed to have destroyed 223 Iranian drones since mid-September, while Tehran has repeatedly denied in recent days supplying weapons and drones to Russia for its invasion of Ukraine. . “Since the first downing of an Iranian-made Shahed 136 kamikaze drone on Ukrainian territory on September 13 in Kupyansk, the air defense of the Air Force and other components of the Defense Forces have destroyed 223 drones of this guy”the army said on Telegram.

In parallel and at the request of Westerners, the UN Security Council is meeting behind closed doors on Wednesday afternoon in New York on Iranian drones in the conflict in Ukraine, at a time when the European Union is preparing sanctions against Tehran. The United States, France and the United Kingdom, permanent members of the Council, have called for a closed session, according to UN and American diplomats. No decision is expected after the session.

In Brussels, European diplomacy announced on Wednesday that it had gathered “enough evidence” demonstrating that the drones used by Russia against Ukraine were supplied by Iran and said to prepare sanctions and “a clear, rapid and firm European response”.

>> War in Ukraine: what do we know about Iranian drones used by the Russian army?

Ukraine demanded sanctions from the European Union on Monday, after several suicide drone strikes on kyiv. It’s necessary “impose sanctions on Iran for supplying drones to Russia”, declared on Twitter the head of Ukrainian diplomacy, Dmytro Kouleba. Several drone attacks targeted the capital, kyiv, while “missile attacks” affected the regions of Dnipropetrovsk (center-east) and Sumy (north-east), assured the Ukrainian Prime Minister, Denys Chmygal.

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