Ukrainian and Russian nationals gathered at the town hall for the raising of the Ukrainian flag

A dozen Ukrainian nationals but also Russians are present this Friday morning at the Hôtel de Ville in Bordeaux. The atmosphere is heavy and solemn. The yellow and blue flag is hoisted alongside the tricolor and European flags to the notes of the Ukrainian anthem. Many of those present are in tears.

A strong symbolism

The Ukrainian and Russian communities are represented by the associations Ukraine Amity and Russia Freedoms. In the personalities of Oleksandra Bertin, president of the 1st and Michèle Poussard, member of the second, they said “no to war” and hailed the symbolic but strong gesture from the town hall of Bordeaux.

tears and fears

The Mayor of Bordeaux and the Ukrainian Consul of New Aquitaine then gave a brief speech, which particularly touched Ania, a young 27-year-old Ukrainian. She has lived in Bordeaux for several years but her whole family is in Ukraine. She speaks with sobs in her voice, a yellow and blue flag on her shoulders.

Beside her Maria has a serious face. She is 21 years old, she arrived in September in Bordeaux for her studies, in international trade. His family is also stuck in Ukraine, in the east of the country. If her parents give her regular news, she has none from her brother who has recently joined the military. So even if the young woman appreciates the support of the city, she would like strong gestures from Europe.

Support from the Russians

beaten up and imprisoned for it.

For their part, the few Russian nationals present, with Russia Freedoms, recalled that many Russians are against the war but that it was neither seen nor heard because they had been “beaten up and imprisoned for it. »

Touched by the support of Russia Freedoms, local elected officials and Ukraine Amitié invited the Russian community to come this Saturday, February 26 to the demonstration in support of Ukraine, organized at Place de la Victoire at 3 p.m.

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