Ukraine: United States and Albania call for Sunday meeting of the UN Security Council

The United States and Albania have called for a meeting of the UN Security Council on Sunday to adopt a resolution calling for “a referral to the United Nations General Assembly for a special session” on Monday on the war between the Russia and Ukraine, we learned on Saturday from diplomatic sources.

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The adoption of this resolution requires 9 votes in favor out of the 15 members of the Security Council. Such a referral, provided for by a UN regulation and used very rarely, does not include the possibility of a veto by one of its five permanent members.

The objective of this “special session of the General Assembly” is “to make the 193 members of the United Nations take a stand” on the conflict, on “the violation of the Charter of the United Nations” and of course to condemn the war. , a diplomat told AFP on condition of anonymity.

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It is up to the rotating presidency of the Security Council, assured by chance in February by Russia, to confirm the meeting of the Security Council on Sunday.

This meeting would be the 4th of the Security Council since Monday on the conflict between Russia and Ukraine.

If the proposed resolution is approved by the Council, the same UN regulations provide that the “special session” of the General Assembly must be held within 24 hours of its adoption.

After the failure of a Security Council resolution on Friday, which Russia vetoed as a permanent member, the UN General Assembly is expected to vote on a text similar to the occasion of its “special session”.

Several diplomats told AFP that in this case they expected to obtain a majority of more than a hundred UN members in favor of the text.

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